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5 Pregnancy Complications to Watch Out For  


Most of the pregnancies are not complicated and ends well. Still, it is great to know about the possible future issues that can affect an expecting mother. In this article, you will find out about the five most common complications of the pregnancy.

Throughout your pregnancy, your doctor and loved ones with will watch for these issues through lab tests and ultrasounds. What’s your job? Your job is to just make sure that you attend all your medical appointments.


Miscarriage can be defined as the loss of pregnancy during the initial 20 weeks. According to a rough estimate, about 15 percent of total pregnancies end in miscarriage. 80 percent of the miscarriages happened during the initial 12 weeks.

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Chromosomal abnormalities in the fertilized egg are considered as the main reason of miscarriage during the first trimester. Bleeding and vaginal spotting is the first sign of miscarriage. If you notice anything like that, meet you doctor as soon as possible. You healthcare provider will call an ultrasound to be very clear that what’s really going on in your uterus.

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Although, the ratio of Preeclampsia is only five percent, but still it is a very serious condition. If you are having protein in your urine or high blood pressure, you are diagnosed with preeclampsia.

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Women who are diagnosed with severe preeclampsia need to deliver earlier than their due date. If you have normal preeclampsia, you and your baby can do fine with proper care.

Gestational Diabetes

Mothers who develop this type of diabetes during a pregnancy have a 25% to 50% chance of having type 2 diabetes later. In United States, 3 to 10 percent of total pregnant women are diagnosed with this type diabetes.

It might sound a very low number, but actually it is very common and very serious condition. For the woman who has this diabetes, you will be monitored closely by your doctor. The positive thing about this disease is that you can overcome it through proper diet and exercise. But, if you don’t take it seriously, it can result in serious issues for the baby.

Ectopic Pregnancy

One out of 50 pregnancies is diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy. When a fertilized egg placed outside the uterus, it is an ectopic pregnancy.

Commonly, ectopic pregnancy is known as “tubal” pregnancies because most of the ectopic pregnancies occur in fallopian tubes.

As compared to other issues of pregnancy, it is very important to catch an ectopic pregnancy because it can damage the fallopian tube, resulting in serious bleeding. The only possible option is to end the pregnancy because there is no way to transplant this type of pregnancy into the uterus.

Premature Birth

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The most common sign of premature birth/labor is that you start feeling the contractions that opens your cervix before the 37th week of your pregnancy. If a baby is delivered before the 37th week of a pregnancy, it is known as premature labor.

According to various researches, about 10 to 15 percent of the pregnancies in the U.S. end before the actual time. Sometimes, premature babies have some serious issues and they don’t survive long. At the time of birth, the more mature a baby is, the more chances of his surviving.

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