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Breastfeeding Tips for New Moms


Breastfeeding is a mother’s gift to her newborn and every mother should provide this gift. Breastfeeding is a very essential for your baby since it is rich in nutrients. The breastfed babies are less likely to get diabetes, childhood leukemia, and extra weight later in life.

At the same time, breastfeeding has some benefits for mothers as well. Mothers don’t need to clean the bottles or mix formula and it is a lot cheaper than formula. During pregnancy, your uterus has stretched and breastfeeding helps your uterus to contract back.

Aren’t you tired of period pain? Breastfeeding can delay your periods for some time. Women who breastfed their babies have lower chances of getting breast cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, heat diseases, and ovarian cancer.

How to begin breastfeeding?

Make sure that you wash your hands before each feeding. Put the thumb of your free and on the top of the breast while fingers are below. Bring your baby close to the nipple and put it in his mouth.

When your baby is “latched on” perfectly, he will produce noises of swallowing instead of smacking. If you face any kind of pain, your baby is not latch on properly.

How to hold the baby during breastfeeding?

The basic principle of holding your baby is that he shouldn’t need to turn his head or strain his neck. Apart from this, you can use position depending on your comfort zone. The most popular positions for breastfeeding include Cradle position and football position.

Some women lie on their side while baby facing them and feed their baby, which is also a great position if you get tired of sitting again and again. While making any position, ensure the support of your baby and everything will remain fine.

How to prevent of heal sore nipples?

Preventing the nipples to get sore is far easier than healing them. When your baby doesn’t latch on properly, it results in sore nipples.

You need to help your baby in latching on properly. When you want to take the baby off the breast, put a finger in his mouth between the gums and release it.

Do you know about Extended Breastfeeding?

Reducing the time of breastfeeding isn’t going to reduce the soreness. Let your nipples get dry between two feedings and always offer less sore nipple first. Wash your breasts daily with warm water only. Don’t use any kind of soaps on them.

How often I need to breastfeed my baby?

If you are asking the number of feedings each day, it can vary from 8 to 12 feedings. But if you are asking when to feed, there is no such schedule. You should feed your baby as often as he likes to be fed. While breastfeeding, allow your baby feed for at least 10 to 15 minutes at each breast. Try to feed from both breasts each time.

How to increase the milk supply?


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Do you think that your baby needs more milk from you? First of all, increase the number of feedings and increase your time of rest. If you reduce the feeding numbers, your supply will automatically decrease.

Don’t provide cereals or any other soft foods to your baby, he doesn’t desire breast milk as he is already fed, which results in low milk supply.

What to eat and what to avoid?

Calcium is most essential thing for breastfeeding women. Plan a balanced diet that should include some veggies, fruits, bread, meats, milk, whole grain cereals and dairy products. During the period of breastfeeding, you need to intake 500 more calories as compared to usual. If you drink around 4 to 5 cups of milk each day, you will be getting enough calcium.

Caffeine and alcohol are the most important things you should cut as soon as possible because they can get into your milk. Medicines also get into your milk, so use them as less as possible. Smoking decrease the production of milk and that is why you should quit it as soon as possible.

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