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Emotional Development in Babies

Emotional Development in Babies


Parents delight on the first things that their babies are able to do or display and this includes the emotions that they may be feeling. Though it is quite difficult to gauge the emotional development in babies, everything that they do or say contributes to it. By the time that babies are born, it would be beneficial if mothers try to interact with them right away. They may ask their babies to be put on their chest the moment that they come out. This would also help the babies to regulate their body functions like breathing better.

Nursing them as soon as possible would also bring better emotional development of the babies right from the start. Babies are helpless little creatures during their first three months of life. They rely on their parents particularly on their mothers for all of the things that they need in order to survive. These needs also include the relief of their stress, fears and other feelings that they do not yet understand. They need all the caring and the nurturing that their parents can give at this time. These will help them build their trust and confidence on the people that are around them.

Although genetics may play a vital role in the characteristics of the babies as they grow, the environment may likewise influence how these traits will be exhibited. Babies who grow in a loving and nurturing environment tend to be more emotionally stable. It is important then that parents especially mothers to be patient and understanding in providing the care that their babies need the moment they are born. There may be times when mothers display emotional outbursts as well but if this is repeated or done often, it can negatively affect the emotional development of babies.

The emotional development in babies continues as they grow as the part of their brains that controls the emotions also undergo further development. They learn how their reactions like smiling or crying elicit certain reactions from the people around them. Talking to them will be beneficial even if they do not really understand what is being said but at least they feel that they are part of the conversation. Parents may also sing or read some stories for their babies. Parents also have to respond to the way their babies are communicating with them even if they are only smiles, cooing, giggling or imitating what they are saying.

Though it is not always possible to provide the best and the happiest experiences to babies, parents should strive to be nurturing and caring most of the time. Babies may learn how to handle their frustrations and their stresses through the help of their parents. What they experience from their parents will influence their emotional development as well as their emotional stability as they grow up.

Cute Baby image courtesy of 44444 U.A.E at flickr