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How to Get a Good Sleep during Pregnancy


Pregnancy means happiness for you and your family. But, it also brings few complications in your life and one of them is sleep disturbance. Pregnancy comes with all sorts of sleep issues, such as leg cramps, heartburn, snoring, and nausea.

If you had bad sleeping habits before getting the pregnant, then things can be even worse for you. But, the good news is that you can overcome these disturbances with a little effort and care.

Watch Out Your Eating Habits During Pregnancy

Eating habits have a serious connection with your sleep. Most of the women resolved their sleeping issues with making few changes in their eating habits.

  • Reduce drink in the evening: Try to drink more in the morning and less in the evening to reduce the bathroom trips, which might be causing troubles to you.
  • No Heavy Meals: Being pregnant means that you need to be careful than usual. Avoid heavy meals and spicy foods that can lead you to the heartburn. Heartburn can be avoided completely through eating less and earlier.
  • A bite before bedtime: If you are suffering by nausea, a small snack before sleeping is all you need to get rid of it.
  • No more Caffeine intake: In the late afternoon or evening, don’t eat or drink anything that contains caffeine.

Keep Yourself Relax and Calm

Good Sleep during Pregnancy

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Stress and tension can disturb your sleep more than any other thing. At the very first, you need to learn how to stay relax. Let’s read below to learn it:

  • Time your naps carefully: A one hour sleep during the day keep you relax and improve your memory while reducing the fatigue. Most of the pregnant ladies know this thing and sleep during the day. The key is to time it perfectly. Don’t sleep in the late afternoon or evening.
  • Don’t work in the evening: Avoid the exercises and heavy household jobs in the night. If you have to arrange your exercises in the evening, ensure that you time it four hours before your bedtime.
  • Read More: Few Rules for Exercise During Pregnancy
  • Get rid of “worry list”: Every woman does have a “to do list” or some things to worry about, which can make you worried at night. The best option is to get rid of them before going to bed, so you will be complete relax. But, if you just can’t finish them, you can write down them on a paper to do them on the next day. Trust me! It helps in getting a sound sleep.

Practice Good Sleep “Hygiene”

  • Make a Sleeping Routine: Establish a schedule of sleeping and then follow it on a regular basis.
  • Prepare Bedroom: Since you are pregnant, your room should be cool with no light and no noise.
  • Take Left Side: During the pregnancy, it is better to sleep on your left side. The left side position ensures that flow of nutrients to your baby. It also helps in eliminating the waste of from your body. Train yourself to sleep on the left side early in the pregnancy.

What if You Can’t Sleep At All?

Good Sleep during Pregnancy

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If you are lying on the bed for more than half an hour and you haven’t slept yet, it is better to get up. Turn on a relaxing music or read a book until you feel drowsy, and then go to bed.

Read More: 7 pregnancy tips your doctor won’t tell you

Don’t get worried if you wake up every night! It’s very common during pregnancy and most of the pregnant women face sleeping disturbances, so you are not alone. Try to follow the instruction provided in this article and you will be able to have a good sleep.

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