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Week 14 pregnancy

Pregnancy – Week 14



You are now beginning the second trimester and may be experiencing what is known as mid-pregnancy bloom.
You should be feeling better about everything at this stage and if your sex drive has diminished over the last few months, it will probably return and might be better than ever.


Pregnancy hormones relax the bowel so you may notice some constipation at this time.  You also may need to start wearing maternity clothes at this stage.

Your uterus and the placenta are still growing and the amniotic fluid around baby is increasing.  You should now be able to feel your uterus below your bellybutton.

Instead of feeling tired and nauseous, you may now be feeling full of energy.


Baby is now measuring up to 10cm (4 inches) and weighs around 45 grams (1.5 ounces).  His neck is becoming stronger and chin is more prominent.  The ears are moving further up the sides of his head.  He is starting to respond to outside stimuli and will try to squirm away if you poke your abdomen.

He is also making breathing movements now and peeing into the amniotic fluid as his kidneys begin to function and make urine.  Head and eyebrow hair develops this week.

Bones are getting harder and stronger while skin is still transparent.  To protect baby’s skin and regulate his temperature while in the water, very fine hair called lanugo covers his body which usually disappears prior to birth.

Ovaries move into the pelvis from the abdomen for girls and, for boys, the prostate gland is developing due to the effect of hormones.  Blood is also starting to form in the bone marrow.


  • Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, drink plenty of fluids and do moderate exercise to help alleviate constipation.
  • Remain active this trimester but keep your exercise at the low impact level.  Walking and swimming are great.

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