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17 weeks pregnant

Pregnancy – Week 17



Now that you are at week 17 of your pregnancy, your waistline might have completely disappeared and you might be developing stretch marks.  Bleeding gums might also be a problem so now is a good time to have a dental check-up if you haven’t already.


You should be showing more now and may be noticing an increase in your appetite.

Your muscles and ligaments continue to stretch and may be causing abdomen and/or groin pain.  If these pains are intense you should seek the advice of your health care professional.

Moles and freckles on your body may have accelerated changes during pregnancy which should be checked by your medical practitioner.

Increased vaginal discharge and blocked nose are possible side effects of pregnancy.  Veins may be visible across your breasts as more blood flows to them.


Baby is now up to 14 cm (5.5 inches) long and weighs up to around 150 grams (5.2 ounces).
He inhales and exhales amniotic fluid preparing his lungs for breathing after birth.  The fat forming under his skin will keep him warm after birth and is important for his metabolism.

Your baby’s skin is covered with a whitish coating called vernix caseosa which is thought to protect his skin from long exposure to the amniotic fluid.

His skeleton is transforming to bone from cartilage.  Bones will remain flexible to ease the journey through the birth canal.

The first stools (meconium) are starting to accumulate in the bowl.  Meconium is produced from cell loss, digestive secretion and swallowed amniotic fluid.


  • Change positions slowing to avoid feeling faint when standing from a sitting position or sitting from a laying position.
  • Wear a supportive bra that does not restrict blood flow.
  • Organise antenatal classes if you haven’t already.

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