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Week 24 Pregnant

Pregnancy – Week 24



This week you will be gaining weight noticeably, maybe as much as 0.5kg or 1lb per week.  Your feet and legs might start to feel the strain of carrying this extra weight so make sure you get plenty of rest and wear comfortable shoes.


From now up to 28 weeks you may be given glucose screens to detect gestational diabetes.

You might have developed striae (stretch marks) on your abdomen, hips and breasts.  The reddish or brown pigmentation in the stretch marks will gradually fade to lighter than the surrounding skin after you have given birth.

Your eyes may be feeling gritty and dry and be sensitive to light at this time as well.

To enable your baby to continue maturing, many health care professionals would halt the progress of premature labour if this occurs at this stage of your pregnancy.


Weighing over 600 grams (1.3 pounds) now and around 30cm (almost 12 inches) long baby is still receiving oxygen from the placenta.

You  may feel some jerking motion now if you haven’t felt hiccups yet.  White blood cells are being produced to combat disease and infection.

Bub is producing surfactant keeping the small air sacs in the lungs from collapsing.

The eyelids can now be seen clearly.  He is covered with fine, downy hair with the skin being protected by a waxy substance.  Soon sweat glands will be forming in the skin.

Serious complications are still possible but, after this week, your baby is considered viable (36% surviving) if born prematurely but a large proportion would have severe disabilities.


  • Use artificial tears solutions to add moisture and ease discomfort if you have symptoms of dry-eye.
  • To help with circulation, put your feet up as often as possible, preferably above the line of your heart.
  • Include your partner when preparing for the arrival of your baby to help him feel part of the pregnancy as well.

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