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Pregnancy Week 25

Pregnancy – Week 25



You have now reached week 25 of your pregnancy and should be looking rosy-cheeked and healthy because of the increase in blood circulation under the skin.

You might be experiencing frequent trips to the lavatory due to the pressure from the growing uterus on  the bladder.  Also, cramp, heartburn and backache are often problems now.


You may feel achy and numb in your fingers, wrists and hands because, like many other tissues in your body, the carpal tunnel is swollen.

You may also be experiencing hemorrhoids, constipation, indigestion and heartburn.

Your medical practitioner will take your blood pressure and test a sample of your urine at each antenatal visit to detect pregnancy-related conditions such as pre-eclampsia and diabetes so they can be treated.


Baby’s chance of survival, if born at 25 weeks, is now 50%.  Baby’s skin has become opaque instead of transparent and he’s weighing 690 grams (1.5 pounds) with a length of 34cm (13.5 inches).

His hands are fully developed as well as the sexual organs, bones are becoming solid and the brain cells are beginning to mature.

His nostrils are starting to open.  Already he can learn, recognise and remember his mum and dad’s voice.

You may be noticing a distinct pattern of your baby’s sleeping and awake times. These might coincide with your active and resting times of the day.


  • If Dad puts his ear to your abdomen, he may be able to hear bub’s heartbeat.
  • Don’t take laxatives or mineral oil.
  • Apply an ice pack or witch hazel to sooth hemorrhoids or soak your bottom in shallow warm water (sitz bath).
  • Start some simple exercises to prepare yourself for labour.
  • If you plan to travel, make sure you finish at least a month before your due date.

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