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Pregnancy – Week 28



Your breasts are producing colostrum, the fluid which precedes breast milk.  Put breast pads inside your bra if your breasts are leaking.  You may have  a second blood test to check for anaemia at your next ante-natal appointment and, if you are anaemic, iron supplements may be offered.


Your final trimester starts this week.  You might feel like you’ve been pregnant forever and most women gain around 5kg during this time.   You might also be urinating more frequently again as the uterus continues to push on your bladder.

You may have leg cramps, mild swelling of ankles and feet, difficulty sleeping and shortness of breath.  Its possible you’re feeling lower abdominal achiness and intermittent Braxton Hicks contractions which is the hardening and relaxing of the uterus helping to prepare your body for labour.


Bub now weighs about 1.2kg (2.6 pounds) and is around 37.5cm (14.7 inches) long.  His brain waves now show REM (rapid eye movement) sleep indicating your baby might be dreaming.  There is a good chance of him surviving if born prematurely now as branches of the lungs are developing (about 90% chance but complications are still possible).

The hair on his head is now clearly visible and his eyes are opening.  Eye colour may change during the first six months after birth especially if he is born with blue eyes.

Many babies are in the breech or transverse position until just before birth but do turn themselves ready for delivery. Your health care professional may be able to feel which way your bub is lying inside you by now when conducting abdominal exams.


  • You may be worrying about going through the actual labour of  childbirth.  It can be reassuring to swap experiences with other women.

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