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33 week pregnant

Pregnancy – Week 33



At Week 33, your weight gain should have slowed down but if you are still gaining more than 1kg (2.25 lb) a week you should check with your doctor that everything is ok.


You are more than likely feeling clumsy, awkward and breathless now as your body is working overtime to continually provide all the nutrients and blood supply that bub needs.

Maintain exercise but don’t over exert yourself.

Calcium intake is extremely important during pregnancy so the baby can draw calcium from mum to make and harden bone.  Don’t skip meals as you increase in weight because both mum and bub need the calories and nutrition from a healthy diet.

Your feet and ankles may be quite swollen with water retention (oedema) at the end of the day, especially in warm weather.  Your body, especially the kidneys, and your baby need lots of fluids so drink plenty as staying hydrated helps reduce water retention.


As baby runs out of room and begins to move less he curls up with knees bent, chin resting on chest and arms and legs crossed.  He now weighs about 2kg (4.5 pounds) and measures approximately 44cm (about 17.5 inches) and his head should be pointing down at this stage getting ready for delivery.

Bub is drinking about a pint of amniotic fluid a day and he is still using his lungs to practice breathing by inhaling the amniotic fluid. The lanugo (baby fuzz) is disappearing and being replaced by actual hair now.  His nails may need trimming as soon as he is born.

Bub’s skull is still quite pliable and not joined completely.  This is partly so he can ease out of the narrow birth canal but the rest of his bones are hardening and he continues to put down layers of fat that will help keep him warm after birth.


  • Remember to be aware of the signs of pre-eclampsia particularly sudden swelling or puffiness in your hands or face accompanied by other symptoms as this could indicate something serious and you should call your doctor.
  • It’s medically safe to continue having sex with your partner, but you may be too uncomfortable. Talk about other ways to remain intimate.  You might include back rubs and foot massages.

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