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Regular Physical Exercises and Pregnancy


Pregnant women can do some regular physical exercises throughout the different stages of their pregnancy. However, they will have to consult with their doctors as to the kind, frequency and intensity of exercises that they may be allowed to do. There are benefits that pregnant women may get from doing some regular physical exercises. They are able to improve their posture as well as reduce stress, fatigue and discomforts like back aches. Pregnant women may also start building their strength and stamina that they will need when they will be in the labor and delivery stages through exercising.

Women who are used to doing some rigid or strenuous regular physical exercises before they get pregnant may continue their activities. However, they will have to do it moderately for the safety of their babies. Pregnant women may do some low impact aerobic physical exercises where their heart rates do not go beyond 140 beats for every minute. Those who have not done any form of regular physical exercises may seek the advice of their health care team first before engaging in any routine physical activity. Pregnant women may do exercises for about 20-30 minutes daily.

Regular physical exercises may not be for all pregnant women. Those who have some medical conditions like asthma or heart diseases may not be able to do some exercises even if they would like to. Pregnant women who may also be suffering from some bleeding or some spotting should not do any physical activity that may harm them and their babies. Those who have experienced previous premature births as well as those who have recurrent miscarriages are advised not to engage in regular physical exercises.

Pregnant women who also have weak cervix or may have a low placenta are not also allowed to do some regular physical exercises. Although most exercises may be considered safe for pregnant women, they will still have to be cautious about it. They may choose the safest and the best ones for them such as swimming, walking and some low-impact aerobics. They may also engage in some indoor stationary cycling or work on elliptical machines. Pregnant women may do some jogging but they should not overdo it especially on the latter part of pregnancy.

Pregnant women are advised not to hold their breath while doing some physical activities. They should also avoid regular physical activities that may cause some falling. They are also advised not to engage in contact sports or those that may cause some abdominal trauma. Pregnant women should also stay away from regular physical exercises that would require them to jump, hop, skip, bounce or run. Regular physical exercise and pregnancy may go together but pregnant women must choose carefully the activities that they will do.

Image courtesy of Cristi Sebastian Photography at flickr

Regular Physical Exercises and Pregnancy