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Swelling and fluid retention while pregnant

Fluid Retention and Swelling in Pregnancy


Almost half of all pregnant women may experience swelling, bloating or water retention. They usually experience this problem on the last trimester. However, there are pregnant women who may have it at an earlier stage especially during the summer season. One of the factors that contribute to fluid retention has something to do with the increasing hormone level during pregnancy. Although this condition may just be considered as normal, there are certain things that pregnant women can do in order to lessen the swelling and fluid retention especially on the latter stages of their pregnancy. They may for example lie down very often at the same time elevate their feet a little in order to reduce the amount of fluid that tend to accumulate.

Pregnant women should also wear comfortable clothes. They should avoid tight clothes and shoes. They should see to it that their blood circulation is not restricted like when they wear stockings. Another way for them to lessen swelling and fluid retention is for them to do some regular exercises such as walking, swimming or doing yoga. If there are other problems like health conditions, pregnant women should check first with their doctors before they engage in any physical activity that will serve as their exercise regimen.

Although pregnant women are prone to fluid retention, they still have to drink about 6 to 8 glasses of plain water every day. They may include other beverages but they have to see to it that it is healthy and it will be good for them and for their babies. Pregnant women should avoid taking any form of diuretic drugs especially on the early stages. If they are sick or if they really need some medication, they have to ask their doctor to prescribe to them the right kind. However, as much as possible, pregnant women should avoid taking any form of medication.

Proper food and nutrition is very important to pregnant women. They can include foods that are composed of natural diuretic properties like anise, onion, celery, parsley, garlic, eggplant and peppermint. Pregnant women may also drink some teas and coffee although they will have to take it in moderation because of its caffeine content. They also need to avoid salty foods as it can contribute to the problem on swelling and fluid retention during pregnancy. Women who are over 20 weeks pregnant should see their doctors and have their blood pressure monitored in order to rule out possible problems that are related to hypertension.

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