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Things You Should and Should Not Do During Pregnancy


There are few things that you need to adopt during your pregnancy period to improve your health status along with your baby’s health. Also, you need to avoid some of the things that can create complications for you and your baby.

For instance, you might know that Folic Acid is good for your health during the pregnancy. But, you probably don’t know that it is important to avoid cats during the pregnancy. Maybe, you are familiar with harms of X-Rays, but you probably don’t know about electric blankets?

Some of the below listed tips are controversial like avoiding microwaves, electric blankets, etc. Few of the studies revealed that they are harmful while others said they are not. To stay on the safe side, it is better to avoid such things.

This post contains a list of to-dos and not-to-dos during the pregnancy. With this list, you can improve your lifestyle in order to remain healthy during the whole pregnancy period.

Things to do

  • Medical Checkups: One of the perfect ways to avoid any complications is to visit your doctor as often as possible.
  • Folic Acid: All researches on pregnancy have shown that Folic Acid is very important to avoid the spinal bifida disease in baby.
  • Check Your Immunity to German Measles: German measles can result into fetal deformities and miscarriages, if caught during the pregnancy. How to avoid it? The easiest way is to get vaccinated before planning the pregnancy.
  • Prenatal Vitamins: During the pregnancy, both of you and your baby require plenty of vitamins. By taking prenatal vitamins properly, you ensure that you are meeting with the needs.
  • Protein Intake: For pregnant ladies, it is recommended to take 75 to 100 grams protein each day. Anything below 75 grams can create complications.
  • Fat Intake: Fat and cholesterol are something you normally avoid to stay in a better shape, but you need to get some fat during pregnancy. Because, it helps in absorbing the essential vitamins like Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, etc. The recommended quantity of fat is two tablespoon each day.
  • Exercise: Apart from the diet plans, you need to make sure that you exercise properly during the pregnancy because it is very essential.
  • Discuss your Family History: While having a talk with your healthcare provider, you need to tell him or her about your family history regarding pregnancies. It will help in avoiding few complications.


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Things to Avoid

  • No Smoking, No Alcohol, and No Drugs: Avoiding all these things is a MUST for every pregnant woman because they are linked with a lot of diseases. Make sure that you try to avoid them as much as possible, at least during the whole pregnancy.
  • Avoid Hot Dogs: Hot Dogs are found to be linked with cancer if more than one taken by an infant or kid below five years.
  • Avoid Contact with Reptiles: It can affect your pregnancy and you need to tell your doctor if you had any contact with reptiles including turtles, snakes, lizards, etc.
  • Avoid Tick Bites: Tick bites expose you to the risk of lyme disease, which is very serious for the non-mature baby.
  • Avoid Caffeine: Caffeine is linked with the child contracting diabetes, so one should avoid it during pregnancy.
  • A BIG NO to Junk Food: The main issue with junk eating is that it fills you up while not providing the required vitamins.
  • Don’t take Vitamin A supplements: Many studies have revealed that Vitamin A boost the chances of birth defects. During the first trimester, Vitamin A intake is the worst decision. Avoid it as much as possible.
  • Avoid X-Rays: X-Rays are dangerous during the initial days of pregnancy, but the risk become low as the fetus get a little mature.
  • Don’t Use Electric Blankets and Water beds: Electric beds and water beds are harmful because it give off low-level electromagnetic fields. Try to avoid both of them as much as possible.
  • Avoid Stress: Stress is very harmful during the pregnancy and every expert agrees on this thing.
  • Avoid Raising your Body Temperature: If your temperature go beyond 102 degrees, it can be dangerous for developing fetus. Fever or exercising too much can raise your temperature to this level.

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