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When and How to Stop Breastfeeding?


When you decide to bring the breastfeeding to an end, you might need to consider various things before you actually do it. Is it the right time to discontinue it? What’s the best way to do it? What to do if your kid refuses to stop? Similarly, there are a lot more questions that require an answer.

In this article, you will find the answer to these questions.

‘Weaning’ is the term commonly used for stopping a child from breastfeeding. When weaning is the idea of mother, it requires some time along with patience. It can take longer or might be done in a matter of days, depending on the age of the child and your circumstances.

Sometimes, it is painful and emotional for mothers as well since it is a forever goodbye. If you breastfeed your child for comfort, you can do it by singing a song or reading a book for him, or rather play a sport.

When to Stop Breastfeeding?

When it comes to weaning, you are the best person to tell whether it is the right time or not. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, a mother should breastfeed their children for a minimum of one year.

Apart from what people normally tells you, there is no right or wrong time to discontinue the breastfeeding. When you feel that it is the time, that’s it.

How to Stop Breastfeeding?

how to stop breastfeeding

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Some of the mothers try to wean in a quick time. They just withhold their breast or send their son to trip for a couple of weeks, which is not a good technique to end it. Instead, you should try the following method.

Reduce Feedings

At the very first, you can miss a feeding and check what the reaction of your child is. Offer him your own pumped milk in a cup or a bottle. If you keep reducing the feedings, your child will have enough time to adjust with new eating habits. Start adding the cow’s milk in your milk to introduce him with it.

The good part of this method is that breast will shorten the supply of milk and ultimately cut it. This will not give you mastitis or engorged breasts.

Reduce Breastfeeding Time

Reduce the time of each breastfeeding after every couple of days. For example, if he nurses for 10 minutes on each breast, you can reduce it to 8 minutes.

Read More: When and How to Introduce Cow’s Milk

After each feeding, provide your kid with a healthy food item. Bedtime feedings are normally harder to reduce. They are usually the last to go.

Delay the Feedings

When your child asks for a feed, distract him with something and postpone the feeding for some time. This step comes when you have done the above two things and now you are feeding your child two or three times a day.

When Not To Stop the Breastfeeding?

There are few occasions when you shouldn’t try without hold your breast because it is not going to work.


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  • When your kid is sick, he requires your breast milk more than ever. Wait few days until he get better
  • When you are going through a hard time like no job, divorce, or any other major life change.
  • If your child is below one year and he is not willing to take the milk in a bottle or a cup.

What If Your Child Doesn’t Wean?

If you have tried almost everything and still you are not able to stop it, then might be it is not the time. As mentioned previously, it is not good to force your child at once. If your child refuses to stop, you can try it again in a month. Don’t worry, it will happen soon!

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