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11 weeks pregnant

Pregnancy – Week 11



By now, any sickness should start to fade and you will begin to feel less tired.


Your uterus has grown so that it almost fills your pelvis now. Pregnancy hormones may cause your gums to bleed more because of increased blood volume and you may notice changes in your hair, skin, toenails and fingernails.

Linea nigra may appear on your abdomen which is a dark vertical line of pigmentation.  Your uterus can now be felt during an external examination as it has risen above your pelvic bones.


The fetus is now the size of a lime, being about 35mm (1.5 inches) in length and weighing close to 5 grams (0.18 ounces).  You can now hear the heartbeat of the fetus with the help of a hand held soundwave stethoscope.  Fingernails and external genitalia are now beginning to show distinguishing characteristics but its too early to tell the sex of bub yet.

Baby is also swallowing and kicking but these can’t be felt yet.
Fingers and toes have completely seperated and taste buds are beginning to develop.  Tooth buds are the beginning of milk teeth and baby can stick out his tongue.

Cartilage is calcifying to become bone and his body is sensitive to touch.  If baby is a boy, the testicles are beginning to produce testosterone.

He also now has short periods of being awake and asleep.


  • Don’t ignore dental hygiene during pregnancy and visit your dentist at least once during this 9 months.

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