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Pregnancy after 35

Pregnancy after 35


Women have to accept that they have to reckon with their biological clock and pregnancy after 35 may be possible but they have to be ready with possible consequences. Although modern technology has made it possible for them to have healthy babies even at this age, they are still taking greater risks than women who get pregnant a little earlier. They also have to understand that pregnancy after 35 may be a little more difficult since women have limited time to have healthy egg cells. The number of their egg cells may also diminish as women grow older and they may be more difficult to fertilize.

Women who are considering pregnancy after 35 have to consult with their doctors before even conceiving. They have to know if their health status will allow them to have the chance to have healthy babies. However, the possibility of having twins or multiple babies is greater than women who get pregnant at an earlier age. Those who are having some problems with pregnancy after 35 may consider in vitro fertilization or other means of having their own babies.

Pregnancy after 35 may also be a factor in developing gestational diabetes. Pregnant women who are older are more prone to this type of diabetes. They would need to modify their diet, physical activities and their lifestyle in general. Pregnant women who are affected with gestational diabetes have to do something to control their blood sugar so that their babies do not grown so big inside.

Pregnancy after 35 may contribute to the development of high blood pressure. This increases the risk of pregnant women who are older to experience preeclampsia. At times medication may be necessary to control blood pressure. Aside from this, there are more of them who will need a C-section when they deliver their babies because of complications like placenta previa. Other problems may include greater chances for their babies to develop the Down syndrome and they are also more prone to having miscarriages. Women will have to consider their options as well as the risks that may be involved if they decide to go for pregnancy after 35.

Pregnancy after 35 may get more complicated if the man is also past 40 years old. There have been studies that autism in children is greater among fathers who are older. Couples who would like to have children may think about their chances and the risks that they are taking especially when they are both past the age when their bodies and their cells are at its healthiest stage.