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Pregnancy week 20

Pregnancy – Week 20



Your uterus is enlarging quite rapidly now so that you look pregnant.  Your navel may be flattened or pushed out and will stay this way until after the birth.  Because the uterus is starting to push against your stomach, heartburn might begin to be a problem.


Your linea nigra might really be pronounced by now and your belly button may be popping out with the expansion of your uterus.  Your head and pubic hair might both be thicker at this stage as your hair tends not to fall out during pregnancy.

You should now be extra vigilant about getting enough iron as your baby needs it to make red blood cells.

Due to the smooth muscles in the urinary tract relaxing, there may be an increased risk of bladder infections.  Your thyroid is more active causing you to perspire more and your breathing will become deeper.


Baby is swallowing more this week which is good practice for his digestive system.  His body absorbs the water in the amniotic fluid and the rest of the liquid is moved into the large bowel.

His heartbeat is now stronger and can be detected by stethoscope more easily.

Baby is well developed.  He weighs around 270-310 grams  (10-11 ounces) and is measuring approximately 15-17 cm (5.9-6.6 inches)


  • Plan to have childbirth classes finished by 37 weeks in case you go into labour.
  • Make a tour of your hospital or birthing centre so you’re familiar with the surroundings when the time comes.

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