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Stages of labour

Pregnant Women and the Stages of Labour


One of the things that pregnant women dread about is the time when they will have to experience the stages of labour. They may be guided with some tips about going about it. However, each pregnant woman must understand that she is unique. Each one of them may experience labour differently from others. But what is important is that they are able to withstand it and deliver their babies without any trouble. Women’s physical as well as emotional strength will be tested during this time. But in the end, everything will be worth it as each one of them is able to hold and touch her adorable baby. The best thing that they can do is to prepare themselves physically and emotionally to for this event.

  • Early Labour

Pregnant women may feel when they are on the early stages of labour. The cervix starts to open for the baby to pass through the birth canal. Women may feel some contractions that may range from mild ones to some stronger ones. They may feel some bloody discharge coming out. They need not feel scared about it. This is all part of the natural process of delivering babies when they are due. Pregnant women must understand they there is no definite period when it comes to the length of time they will have to spend in the first stages of labour. They still have the time to do some things like taking a shower, relaxing or getting a massage unless they feel that the contractions are really intense and come at very short intervals.

  • Active Labour

Pregnant women will feel if they are in this stage of labour already. They will feel stronger and longer contractions that may come one after the other. They may feel the pain to intensify. Some may ask their health care providers to help them ease the pain. Pregnant women may experience longer active labour than others. They may need the encouragement and support from others at this time. They can do some breathing and some relaxation methods to ease their difficulty in this stage of labour. Pregnant women may also try changing positions or try rolling on a birthing ball. They may also be able to take some warm shower if they still can.

As they approach the final stages of labour, their pains will really be intense. They will have to be guided by their health care providers when they are supposed to push. Though they are in deep pain, it is important that they help themselves to push the babies as their cervixes reaches full dilation. Pregnant women can also wait for the natural time when they will feel that it is time to push. They may prevent tearing and other problems if they do not hasten the process of delivery by pushing forcefully.

During natural delivery, pregnant women will feel the head of their babies as their babies gets ready to come out of the birth canal. Once their heads are out, the rest of their bodies would follow. Women may feel relieved as their babies come out successfully and the rest of the pain will be manageable. Pregnant women need not fear experiencing the stages of labour. They know that it is not an easy thing to do in this world. However, it is one of the natural courses of life. They may prepare themselves for it with the help and support of loved ones, family members, friends and their health care team.

Image courtesy of Carolien Dekeersmaeker at www.flickr.com