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Week 27 pregnancy

Pregnancy – Week 27



In Week 27 you will be getting noticeably larger and will have gained weight around your breasts and chest so make sure you’re wearing the correct size maternity bra.  Avoid lying on your back too much because this might make you feel faint, as the enlarged uterus presses directly against blood vessels.


You’re now a third of the way through your pregnancy and Your mobility and balance is probably changing as your uterus continues to expand.

You should now be discussing with your health care professional about delivery so you’ll recognise the signs that will predict labour.  You need to be aware how far apart the contractions should be before going to the hospital.

Your breasts have probably become quite large now and you should ensure you wear a bra that is the correct size to give you proper support.


Baby weighs about 2 pounds (900 grams) now and measures about 14.5 inches (36.8cm).  He can blink his eyes and his hearing continues to develop.

His body is becoming plumper as the muscle tone improves.  Also he now has eyebrows and eyelashes and his hair is growing every day.  The retina at the back of his eyes is starting to develop.

At this stage he has an 80% chance of survival if born now but serious complications are still possible.

Your baby now dreams as well!


  • If you are suffering from itchiness, moisturise your skin regularly to get some relief.

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