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32 weeks pregnant

Pregnancy – Week 32



Welcome to week 32 of your pregnancy.  You may find the fetal movements uncomfortable now that bub is so much bigger and you may occasionally feel his feet getting stuck under your ribs.  If you work you may have left by now or set a date when you intend to leave.


The ligaments in your pelvis have softened in preparation for birth, allowing your hips to spread and causing you to waddle.

Backache in the last few weeks of pregnancy is a common complaint.  Get advice from your health care professional.  Maintaining good posture and pulling up your pelvic floor muscle while tensing your tummy muscles may help.

You will probably start seeing your doctor on a fortnightly basis rather than monthly now.  In the last month you will probably have weekly visits.

Depending on your body type, the amount of weight you’ve gained and the size and position of baby, you may be carrying higher or lower, wider or more compact, bigger or smaller than others at the same stage of pregnancy.

Half of your weight gain will go directly to baby now unless you’re carrying twins or more, in which case their weight increase will be slower because of the lack of room in the uterus.


Bub is now around 43cm (17 inches) long and weighs about 1.8kg (4 pounds) The diameter of his head is now almost 10cm (4 inches).

He is sleeping most of the day.  His movements may seem less forceful as the uterus becomes more cramped or his kicks may be causing pain to your ribs as his increased size makes his movements more pronounced.  Your little one may respond to your touch if you massage your tummy.

If bub is a boy, sometimes one or both testicles won’t move into position until after birth.  This usually corrects itself in two-thirds of all boys by 12 months of age and is referred to as undescended testicles.


  • For more comfort, drink plenty of fluids, elevate your legs when sitting, lie on your left side and wear support stockings.
  • Try wearing a soft but supportive bra to bed if the increased weight of your breasts is uncomfortable.
  • To help relieve backache, wear low or flat heeled shoes.  Try getting on all fours and let your baby drop away from your spine but don’t let your spine drop below a straight line.
  • When lifting objects, squat down and lift by using your leg muscles.
  • When sitting, position your bottom in the base of the chair and support your lower back with a cushion or rolled up towel.

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