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What is Extended Breastfeeding? Is it for you?


Extended Breastfeeding is basically nursing after your baby’s first birthday. In most of the countries, it is quite normal and healthy.

But, few of the people in the U.S are against extended breastfeeding because of their culture backgrounds. So, if you are choosing an extended breastfeeding for your infant, you should be ready for some rude comments.

Whereas, there are a lot of advantages of extended breastfeeding that you should consider before making any decision. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons and then decide what is right for you.

Pros of extended breastfeeding

Although your kid now gets most the nutrition from solid food, but breast milk skill provides him with growth hormones, calories, vitamins, enzymes and other essentials. Some of the authentic studies reveal that breastfeeding toddlers get less sick as compared to their peers.

During the period when your toddler gets sick, breast milk is the only thing he can consume. It boosts his immune system and helps him stay dehydrated.

Breastfeeding is good for women as well. Women who breastfed their kids have lower chances of high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Since the kid become a little self-reliant, breastfeeding is a perfect source of emotional support. Breastfeeding your kid makes your connection ever stronger and improve his confidence.

Some of the people claim that weaning a child earlier makes him more strong and self-sufficient, which is not true at all. Forcing a child to stop nursing actually make him clingy.

For the mothers who stay at different places because of their work, the comfort of breast maybe the best way to feel your kid secure.

Breastfeeding is a great way to delay your periods for a year or more, which is a great advantage for some of the women who fear to deal with cramps and bloating again.

Regular breastfeeding helps you maintain your weight for a period of time.

Stopping the breastfeeding when your kid is ready is more natural and satisfying.

Cons of extended breastfeeding

Extended breastfeeding

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There are a lot of people who think that breastfeeding an older child is not a good thing and they make rude comments. If you want to avoid such comments, you need to be careful while breastfeeding your kid in the public. It can be difficult if you kid’s habit is to lift your shirt whenever he or she feels hungry.

Age by Age Guide: How to feed to your toddler?

When a child becomes one-year-old, it becomes a little tough to breastfed them. Mothers feel a little nervous and uncomfortable to feed them according to their own timetable. If you want to take a lead, you need to learn how to distract your kid at different times when you are not ready for the breastfeeding.

Children start relying on the breasts and sometimes they take it as the only way to get your attention.

It is completely possible to nurse your child while you are going through another pregnancy, but some of the women find it difficult and overwhelming.

How can Extended Breastfeeding Work for You?

If you are worried because of nasty comments, you can simply feed your child before moving out of the house. Some mothers prefer to nurse at scheduled times, which is also a great trick.

For the children who ask for breastfeeding when they get bored or to get attention, you can engage them in some of their favorite activities.

Try to teach your kid to speak a special word whenever he feels hungry.

Plan your diet in a healthy manner and ensure that you are getting enough nutrients. If you are confused about what to eat, you can always consult your healthcare provider.

After the first year, make sure that you kid is eating enough solid food, so he won’t keep asking for breastfeeding after every two hours.

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