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7 pregnancy tips your doctor won’t tell you


When it comes to the safety of your baby, you might have talked to your doctor about what to adopt and what to avoid during the pregnancy. What kinds of tests are required during the pregnancy and what exercises are important.

But, the doctor’s visits are not that long; so there is a chance that she might forget some things to tell you.

Here are some of the important things that you must keep in mind for a healthy and safe pregnancy.

Being Pregnant is Normal

If you are a first-time mother, you might be worried about your pregnancy, which can cause trouble for you. Stress is something that should be avoided by a pregnant woman. Always remember that Pregnancy is a very common thing and you body is uniquely suited for it. Don’t worry, everything goes well.

A Missed Period Doesn’t Reflect Pregnancy

Most of the women rush to meet their doctor as soon as they notice a change in their periods, which is a wrong practice. Take a drugstore pregnancy test and if it comes out positive, then you can fix an appointment with your doctor.

Don’t Worry, If you Drank When you Conceived

Although alcohol can affect fertility and one shouldn’t drink during the prenatal period, still it is not a big deal if you were drinking when you conceived. It won’t have any effect on your baby’s health. Remember that 50 percent pregnancies in the Unites States are unintended and most of them happened as a result of alcohol. So, it is normal.

Hire a midwife instead of an Obstetrician

90 percent of women opt to choose an OB-GYN as their provider, but you might be good with a midwife. Obstetricians are actually trained for high-risk patients. If you are having a normal pregnancy, then you will be good with a midwifery care.

Two Ultrasounds Only

Pregnancy ultrasound

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During the pregnancy, you might be excited to see your baby and it can relax your mind. But, you only need two ultrasounds during the whole pregnancy period. The first one is taken during the 10 to 12 weeks of pregnancy and the second one is normally taken during the 20th week.

Ultrasounds are not too much reliable

Ultrasounds are not always reliable as there is a 20 percent chance in either direction. Sometimes, healthcare providers use a tape or their hands to check the position and size of your baby.

Read More: Pregnancy Complications to Watch For

Ultrasounds are more accurate during the first trimester as compared to the third one. The healthcare providers can use other tools to verify the results of ultrasound like a non-stress test.

Your due date is just a guess date

Sometimes, healthcare providers go for an induction once a woman completes her 40 weeks of pregnancy, but the truth is that due date is just a guess date. Only five percent pregnancies really end on their due dates.

When a woman crosses 42 weeks of pregnancy, then she is considered as overdue. 90 percent of overdue women start having the contractions on their own within 2 weeks.

Your Doctor is a service provider

Always remember that you have hired the doctor, you are in the charge and you are the one who make choices.

Choosing a doctor means selecting a person who will provide information and services. Of course, the information will be authentic and the services will be premium, but you can take any decision while staying in your comfort zone.

It’s the responsibility of your healthcare provider to keep you informed about your and baby’s health throughout the pregnancy. There is always an option to consult someone else if your doctor is telling you that you are having a complication.

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